Hybrid Sub- and Suprastructures

By the conclusion of this course you should be able to convert your removable substructure into a fixed hybrid substructure and secondly, fabricate a suprastructure from a different file and material.

By the conclusion of this course you should be able to convert your removable substructure into a fixed hybrid substructure and secondly, fabricate a suprastructure from a different file and material.

In the first portion of this course, we describe how to convert our substructure (from the XOcademy course ‘Thimble Crowns’) from a removable substructure that is soft tissue borne to a hybrid/fixed substructure with abutment copings and screw channels.

In the second portion, we define a new job to design the suprastructure to be luted to the final hybrid substructure design.

Here are the STL files that we need to begin the job and the production STL files:




Open Registration

Course Includes

  • 9 Lessons
